LiDAR services for Telecom

In response to the growing requirements of the digital age, telecommunication companies are integrating cutting-edge technologies like LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). LiDAR utilizes laser beams to precisely gauge object distances, producing detailed 2D and 3D models. Within the domain of telecom infrastructure development, LiDAR has emerged as an invaluable resource for achieving meticulous and effective network expansion.

What is LiDAR?
LiDAR sensors emit quick laser pulses that bounce off objects and then return to the sensor. By measuring the time it takes for the laser beams to return, LiDAR sensors can precisely calculate the distance to objects in their path. This technology is exceptionally accurate, capable of capturing as many as a thousand measurements per second.
There are 2 types of LiDAR system – Aerial and Terrestrial. Aerial LiDAR is deployed on aircraft or drones, providing broad coverage suitable for regional mapping, while Terrestrial LiDAR is ground-based, offering high-resolution data ideal for precise site surveys and indoor modeling. Aerial LiDAR is mobile but costlier, whereas Terrestrial LiDAR is more cost-effective in terms of equipment. Both systems are selected based on project requirements and budget.
LiDAR in Telecom Infrastructure Development
LiDAR aids locations and mapping terrain, locating existing objects, guiding network placement, optimizing tower/pole locations, and assessing infrastructure for better signal propagation and network efficiency, ultimately enhancing the deployment and performance of telecom networks. Here are some specific applications of LiDAR in the telecom industry:
  • Identifying Pole Information: LiDAR data helps pinpoint pole locations with details such as owner, height, class, attachment height, and pole type (e.g., Transmission, Distribution, Street Light).
  • Analyzing Cable Infrastructure: LiDAR aids in assessing strands and mid-span clearance between poles and anchors.
  • Locating Specific Addresses: The LiDAR technology provides GPS coordinates for MDU, SDU, and commercial addresses.
  • Ensuring Safe Crossings: LiDAR data includes GPS locations for railway, highway, and river crossings.
  • Data Validation: Information which can’t be extracted from the LiDAR data or something which is not clear due to obstruction, is validated through Field Surveys.
  • Attribute Derivation: Pole/Tower attributes are determined based on the information that can be extracted from the Point Cloud data and client input.
  • Classification – LiDAR sensors analyze how strong the laser comes back, how high things are above the ground, and the order in which the laser signals return to decide which classification to assign to the object.
  • Data Refinement: LiDAR-derived features undergo refinement, involving the rearrangement of various telecom network components, to ensure compliance with industry standards.


AABSyS, a leader in geospatial services, offers a wide range of LiDAR solutions tailored to the needs of the telecom industry. Our LiDAR services encompass site selection, topographic mapping, network design, and regulatory compliance assessments. With our expertise in LiDAR technology, we empower telecom companies to build faster, safer, and more efficient networks using the existing infrastructure on ground (which is extracted from the LiDAR data), thus reducing the dependency on field survey to access this information, which is often time consuming, cost intensive and prone to human error.

LiDAR technology is revolutionizing telecom infrastructure development by providing the precision and efficiency required to meet the industry’s growing demands. AABSyS LiDAR services are at the forefront of this transformation, assisting telecom companies in creating more reliable and expansive networks. As the telecom industry continues to evolve, LiDAR will play an increasingly vital role in shaping its future.