GIS Services for Mining and Geology

Mining companies use GIS (Geographic Information System) as a powerful tool to keep an eye on the environment affected by their operations and to restore it. GIS benefits mining processes by improving decision-making, saving costs, and ensuring adherence to rules. GIS contributes to effective data management through integrating different types of information, monitoring operations in real-time, and analyzing historical data for insights. GIS technology is not just a choice for mining companies but a crucial strategy for success in the industry’s ongoing evolution.

Spatial Mapping
GIS offers a multitude of benefits to the mining and geology industry, spanning from spatial analysis to digitization and data management.
Digitization of Geological Maps: Paper-based geological maps can be transformed into digital formats using GIS. This enables easy storage, retrieval, and analysis of geological information.
Geological Database Creation: Geological data can be compiled into structured databases, establishing a centralized repository, facilitating organized access to geological information for exploration and analysis.
Map Update for Mineral Exploration: Periodic revision of maps can be done to incorporate new geological findings. This ensures that exploration activities are based on the latest geological information, enhancing accuracy and reliability.
Digitization of Geological Features: All relevant geological features, including formations, structures, and resources, can be converted into digital formats, providing a comprehensive digital representation of the geological landscape.
Interpretation of Lithological Contacts: Analyzing and delineating the boundaries between different rock formations enhances understanding of subsurface geological structures, aiding in targeted resource exploration.
Digitization and Classification of Clearing Areas: Converting information about clearing areas from aerial images into digital form and categorizing them is possible through GIS. This results in efficient land management and environmental impact assessments by providing a detailed digital record of clearing areas.
Georeferencing: GIS software can assign geographic coordinates to spatial data to enable accurate mapping. This ensures that geological information is correctly positioned on maps, enhancing the reliability of spatial analysis and decision-making.
These processes collectively contribute to the efficiency, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of geological and mining data management, playing a crucial role in informed decision-making within the mining and geology sectors.
Benefits of GIS Services:

GIS maps provide a foundation for evaluating mining impacts, while advancements in hyperspectral imagery show promise for mineral exploration. High-quality satellite imagery, a key component of remote sensing technology, is crucial for precise decision-making in exploration. Given the depletion of minerals, understanding spatial context and integrating geoscience technologies is vital for sustainable development. Mining companies utilize GIS to locate and assess ore deposits, aiding in determining project viability. Location Intelligence plays a crucial role in every stage of mining, ensuring responsible practices from exploration to reclamation. Real-time monitoring is a standout advantage of GIS in mining, complemented by additional benefits such as:

Spatial Data Management and Visualization: GIS offers a reliable platform for precise decision-making through effective spatial data management and visualization.

Resource Exploration: The digitization of geological maps and the creation of geological databases improve resource exploration by providing valuable insights into terrain and potential resource deposits.

Enhanced Site Selection: GIS supports optimal site selection by facilitating map updates for mineral exploration and aiding in the interpretation of lithological contacts.

Environmental Impact Assessment: The combination of satellite image processing and GIS technologies contributes to comprehensive environmental impact assessments. This ensures adherence to regulations and promotes sustainable practices.


GIS technology has emerged as an indispensable tool for the mining industry, revolutionizing exploration, operations, and environmental management. Its multifaceted applications, coupled with the numerous benefits it brings, underline the pivotal role GIS plays in ensuring sustainable and efficient mining practices. As the mining sector continues to evolve, embracing GIS technology is not just an option, it’s a strategic imperative for success.

AABSyS boasts a team of seasoned GIS professionals with extensive expertise in delivering high quality yet affordable GIS services. Our track spans across diverse industry sectors, including Mining, Urban Planning, Telecom, Agriculture and Environment.

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