Point of Interest (POI)

About the Customer The customer is a leading navigation content company. Business Challenge The company sought AABSyS support in the collection, update, and maintenance of their point of interest (POI) data for major Indian cities followed by the quality enhancement of the of their existing POI data. Solution AABSyS deployed a field survey team of […]

3D Building Landmark Capturing

About the Customer The customer is a leading navigation content company. Business Challenge For navigation with GPS functionality to deliver an optimized user experience, the customer sought AABSyS assistance to create 3D models of select landmarks for their incorporation in their navigation applications. AABSyS was supplied with a standard detail 3D building model, light detail […]

2D Building Footprint Capturing

About the Customer The customer is an International leading Navigation company. Business Challenge With rapidly advancing applications in mapping and navigation, the customer wanted AABSyS to collaborate on capturing 2D building footprints for all Indian cities with reference to provided Satellite Imagery. In addition, they wanted AABSyS IT to flag their street data with realignment, […]

Digital Survey Maps Creation

About the Customer The customer is a leading Utility company based in Europe. Business Challenge Utility mapping is of utmost benefit to utility companies for gathering accurate and real-time data in the form of digital maps. The customer sought AABSyS for the creation of Digital Survey Maps for Mapping Utility Lines and Optical Cables. The […]

Cemetery Mapping

About the Customer The customer is a UK-based solutions provider for cemetery GIS data integration services. Business Challenge To manage cemeteries data effectively, the client sought AABSyS support to prepare a GIS database based on various inputs. This project involved data capture and representation of cemeteries in a geospatial environment. Solution To accurately address the […]