AABSyS takes part in CeBIT, Germany

AABSyS recently took part in CeBIT 2009 event, held in Hannover, Germany whereby the key areas covered also included computer-aided technologies such as 3d digitizing services.
Bhubaneswar, 7 April 2009

AABSyS Information Technology took part in CeBIT 2009, a premier ICT (information & communication technology) event, held between 3 March and 8 March 2009 in Hannover, Germany. CeBIT showcases technological advancements from around the world. One of the key areas highlighted at the event was computer-aided technologies such as 3D digitizing services.

3D digitizing services have gained popularity worldwide. In the architectural industry, the process involves creating 2D floor plans using standard CAD tools such as AutoCAD. Using the structural details, each floor and building is then given an additional property for appropriate visualization in a virtual space.

In engineering, the process of 3D digitizing involves conversion of point data into point cloud with standard formats such as AutoCAD DXF, Wavefront OBJ, and STL, which consist of a polygonal surface mesh, such as triangular facets, created from the points. In AutoCAD, the DXF data imports as a polyface mesh, which retains most of the object properties during 3D digitizing.

Another key area at the event was outsourcing, with the participation of leading IT and telecom companies from across the globe.

The state of Orissa in India has been taking enormous initiatives in promoting IT infrastructure. The state government’s Orissa Computer Application Centre (OCAC) was present at CeBIT to promote Orissa as an emerging IT destination in India. Mr Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra, IT Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Government of Orissa, and Mr Vishal Dev, Director IT, Government of Orissa, represented OCAC at CeBIT. Orissa’s mineral resources have attracted huge foreign investments in the past couple of years. This could generate a lot of demand in the state for the services of IT companies.


About AABSyS

AABSyS is a leading outsourcing company that provides GIS/ CAD services, software development services and data entry services to customers worldwide. The company brings together optimized resources, talented personnel, and the years of experience to meet a variety of customer needs. The company is based in Bhubaneswar in Orissa, India.

For a personal appointment with the key decision makers of AABSyS or any other enquiries, kindly send a short email to info@aabsys.com , or call us at: +91 674 351 4008

For further details contact –
Arun Patnaik
AABSyS IT Pvt. Ltd.
Email: info@aabsys.com
Website: http://www.aabsys.com