The past 10 years of operations saw a rapid growth in business turnover and profits. Through a progressive business strategy focusing on the competitive international market, AABSyS was able to increase its annual turn-over every year.
AABSyS participated with its own stall in the CEBIT fair in Hannover, Germany from March 17th 2004 to March 24th 2004. AABSyS has attended CEBIT continuously between 2005 till 2007.
AABSyS attended international trade events in Europe and North America such as Facility Management Fair, Germany; Intergeo Fair, Germany; Geotech Event, Canada.
AABSyS is a leading outsourcing company that provides GIS/ CAD services, software development services and data entry services to customers worldwide. The company brings together optimized resources, talented personnel, and the years of experience to meet a variety of customer needs. The company is based in Bhubaneswar in Orissa, India.
For a personal appointment with the key decision makers of AABSyS or any other enquiries, kindly send a short email to , or call us at: +91 674 351 4008
Arun Patnaik
AABSyS IT Pvt. Ltd.
AABSyS IT Private Limited
Plot No- 860/4562, Near Income Tax Office,
P.O Ambapuah, Brahmapur, Odisha- 760011, India
AABSyS IT Private Limited
STPI Building, IDCO Plot No-2, Bampada Industrial Estate,
Balasore-756056, Odisha, India
AABSyS IT Private Limited
Unit Nos. 3515 – 3516,
Tower – 3, Fifth floor
Express Trade Towers – 2,
Sector 132, Expressway,
NOIDA – 201304
U.P., India
AABSyS IT Pty Ltd.
7a Blanche Street
OATLEY, NSW - 2223, Australia
1175, Gaylord St.
Denver, CO