Top Six industries that use GIS

Technology is now a vital aspect of virtually every part of a business, and so is data. Organizations have access to huge amounts of data and this data can be studied for effective analysis and deployment of assets for maximum advantage. When this data is attached to a specific location, it enhances the depth and quality of insights derived, allowing data industries to solve complex problems and make data-driven decisions that are otherwise difficult to derive. The industries using GIS serve some of our most fundamental needs.


GIS is used extensively across Telecom companies. GIS can help visualize and analyze geospatial data for network planning, site selection, network performance monitoring and network optimization. GIS aids in both Fiber and Wireless telecom connections. FTTx design and drafting, Low-level design, High-level design, all these services use GIS as the basis for their planning and operational purposes. With GIS, agencies can plan telecommunications infrastructure effectively. Optimal locations for the deployment of telecommunications networks, such as fiber optic cables, cell towers, and communication nodes can be determined easily by studying the captured spatial data.


Location is a crucial factor for Gas and Electric utilities. For optimization in utility distribution planning, repair, and maintenance, location information is extremely vital. By leveraging GIS technology, governments can visualize existing gas and electricity infrastructure and can build databases to manage grids, track pipelines, and locate cables and networks. This existing information layer can be overlapped with various other deciding factors such as population distribution, environment, landscape, etc. This helps in planning new networks as well as improving the prevailing ones.


GIS plays a crucial role in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process by providing spatial data analysis, visualization, and decision support capabilities. GIS helps identify sensitive areas, assess cumulative effects, and suggest mitigation. It allows overlaying project plans on existing spatial data layers to visualize potential impacts and identify areas of environmental sensitivity.

GIS creates and manages digital maps with various layers of geospatial data, including roads, landmarks, points of interest, and other navigation-related information. GIS enables survey teams to digitize roads and street data from various source inputs and points of interest. These data are updated with attributes and used across various GIS systems in the form of maps. With advancements in technology, these maps can be accessed easily through GPS devices, mobile apps, and navigation software.
Land Information Management
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have transformed cadastral mapping/Land mapping for government agencies, offering abundant benefits and streamlining land management processes. It includes accurate and updated spatial data related to land parcels, property boundaries, taxation systems, and land ownership information. This helps governments assess properties reliably, identify inconsistencies, and confirm unbiased property tax assessments.
Urban Planning
GIS enables the integration of various data layers such as land use, population demographics, transportation networks, infrastructure, and environmental factors. Urban planners harness this layering feature of GIS to visualize various criteria that govern the planning of urban areas.
AABSyS creates detailed 2D, 2.5D, and 3D geodata maps for urban areas ranging from 1m to 5m resolution.
Geographic information systems have immensely improved various industries. Today a growing number of stakeholders are using systematic data analytics rather than just relying on their instinct.
AABSyS is a trusted partner for several such organizations and has long-standing experience in providing GIS services. Visit our website to explore more about our GIS services.