What Are Some Uses of GIS


Information is a pivotal factor in any organization today. With a larger amount of information comes more difficulty in storing, retrieving, and managing data. Even if data is organized with the utmost care, yet it is difficult to visualize and gain insights when the quantity of data is huge. A Geographic Information System is an application for collecting, organizing, storing, and analyzing data, with respect to its geographic location. This information can be easily customized and viewed in the form of maps and graphs, that provide better insights and help in the decision process. GIS assists in our understanding of the world around us by bringing together maps and data for analysis and decision-making.

Data Layers

GIS allows you to layer data tied to various geographic points. Rather than seeing just a few key features on a static map, GIS mapping allows you to view customizable combinations of data layers in a dynamic tool. These data layers can be acquired from a variety of sources, including satellite imagery, aerial photography, GPS, and field surveys. This data is typically stored in a geographic database, which can be managed using GIS software like ArcGIS, QGIS, Google Earth Pro, etc.

GIS Maps consist of different layers, each performing a separate yet interlinked function. Different types of layers can access and display different types of data. The layers involve creating spatial reference frameworks that take actual physical locations and objects and represent them using a coordinate system, known as Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The three spatial dimensions of length, width, and height are represented by X, Y, and Z coordinates respectively. M coordinate, which is also known as “measure”, is an added value that can be stored for each point of a geometry. A GIS Map broadly comprises of two kinds of data i.e., Vector data and Raster data. Vector data represents geographic data symbolized as points, lines, or polygons, such as buildings, roads or waterbodies. Raster data represents geographic data images or base maps.

These data layers can be overlapped to combine features from Raster and Vector data, providing access to data attributes for point, line, and polygon feature data. We can also add, update, and delete feature data and access data through spatial queries.

Uses of GIS

Here are some of the most popular uses of GIS:

Telecom: Telecom services benefit a lot from GIS in terms of efficient planning and operational decision-making. GIS data facilitates the wireless telecom sector by helping them incorporate geospatial data into complex network design and optimization activities.

Utility Planning: GIS helps address the growing consumer demands by providing services for accurate planning and management of utility infrastructure. Assets influencing new infrastructure as well as improvement of existing infrastructure can be mapped using GIS for efficient planning of Gas and Electric utilities.

Mining: Many mining activities depend on GIS. GIS is used in collecting data in the field, hence making the mapping process easier. Exploration tools are provided by GIS to manage, display, and analyze data.

Navigation: GIS provides analysis and estimates for planning new routes. It helps in analyzing existing routes, collecting data, and informing the riders of changes to routes.

Urban Planning: Urban planners depend on GIS to a great extent to minimize the negative impact on existing historic structures or natural spaces while responsibly accommodating humans. The advanced GIS mapping capabilities help the users to produce high accuracy base-maps for urban information systems.

Environment: GIS Maps are useful in environmental management as they facilitate monitoring of the changes in soil, water, air, climate, and forestry.

Agriculture: GIS Maps are used in agriculture to analyze soil and crop data, optimize irrigation and fertilization, and monitor plant growth and tree cover.

Since its inception, GIS technology has made significant strides in its development. Decision-makers can now make more informed choices and enhance outcomes by leveraging GIS, which offers valuable insights into spatial patterns and relationships. The evolution of GIS technology is a continuous process, marked by the introduction of new data collection tools, storage options, analysis tools, and visualization techniques. While the fundamental principles of GIS remain unchanged, the technology is advancing rapidly, allowing it to handle bigger and more intricate datasets with increased sophistication.

AABSyS has a highly experienced team of GIS professionals and has a rich experience of providing high quality yet cost-effective solutions to its customers.

The typical GIS services offered by AABSyS include:

  • Land use/ Land cover (LULC) Classification
  • Georeferencing, mosaicking and seamless raster data products
  • Terrain mapping
  • Digital elevation modeling
  • Change detection analysis
  • Mapping & advanced spatial analysis
  • 3D building and vegetation models

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