Digital Survey Maps Creation

About the Customer

The customer is a leading Utility company based in Europe.

Business Challenge

Utility mapping is of utmost benefit to utility companies for gathering accurate and real-time data in the form of digital maps. The customer sought AABSyS for the creation of Digital Survey Maps for Mapping Utility Lines and Optical Cables. The main scope of the project included the creation of detailed information on optical fiber cable on a ground cadaster map in DWG format. The customer supplied AABSyS with scanned images of ground cadaster maps, a DWG file containing survey points, and drilling information of the optical fiber cables.


AABSYS mapped the utility lines and optical cables in four phases. In the first phase, the AABSyS team digitized highway and adjoining ground cadaster information. In the second phase, a digital survey map was created by using surveyed geo-coordinate points and information from hand sketched survey data. The optical fiber cables were drawn separately as per the survey points. In the third phase, the digital cable maps were merged with the ground cadaster map and cleaned according to the customer specifications. In the fourth phase, error-free data were merged and fitted into frames, and data was finally delivered to the client in DWG format.

  • Detailed and accurate digital maps for technology-aided utility companies have remained a prerequisite for utility mapping.
  • This detailed optical fiber information enables planning and laying these optical cables due to the ease of network maintenance, and data integration from different datasets.

For more information, please visit Mapping and Navigation


  • Telecommunication
  • Electric and Gas Utility
  • Mapping and Navigation
  • CAD Designing and Drafting
  • GIS Software Automation
  • Land Information Management