RF Map Data Creation

About the Customer

The customer is a leading telecommunications major based out of France.

Business Challenge

RF maps are instrumental in planning and optimization of wireless networks. To achieve better penetration of their wireless networks, the customer required AABSyS to create GIS & Digital Maps encompassing maps of 5X5 meter resolution for cluster and 20 m resolution for terrain data.


Brought on board to support the customer in strengthening their wireless network, AABSyS kick started the project with delineation of area of interest. Our experienced team digitized contours with accompanying spot elevations to ensure generation of a good quality DTM. In the final step data was integrated and final DTM, clutter and vector data were delivered in the stipulated time.

  • Geospatial maps are essential for RF planning and optimization since the surface cover affects propagation of the digital wireless signal.
  • AABSyS crafted maps required to ensure unobstructed line-of-sight communication between base station and mobile station, assisting the customer in the automation of RF planning.

For more information, please visit – Telecom Services


  • Telecommunication
  • Electric and Gas Utility
  • Mapping and Navigation
  • CAD Designing and Drafting
  • GIS Software Automation
  • Land Information Management